The Continental Rally 2024 is an inter-American tool that highlights country advances in environmental education, disaster risk management, and their link with culture and the arts in the Americas. This event involves ministries of education, environment, and culture, as well as national and regional offices for disaster risk management, along with public and private schools in their territories, empowering children and adolescents as agents of change in their local communities. Supported by the Organization of American States (OAS) and UNDRR, the Rally promotes intersectoral collaboration and showcases innovative initiatives that drive sustainable development and resilience, providing international recognition to countries committed to these goals, making them part of the Inter-American Heritage.

2024 Actions

Group 1 (Basic)

Sopitas Dancing

Gastronomic and cultural festival using technology for interactivity and resource coordination, with stations including workshops on healthy eating, circular economy circuit, used goods fair, and zero waste.

Try it out!

Food canning competition to prevent food waste and strengthen food efficiency. Interviews are incorporated to support research on livelihoods and healthy eating.


Group 2 (Intermediate)

Continental Marathon

5k race to promote Disaster Risk Reduction in the local community and enhance health. The marathon involves running with 5 stations, dancing with Ojopelao, playing Riskland, and more. The marathon incorporates interactive participation.


Biking Dreams

Cycling circuit with an exhibition of sustainable transport mechanisms linked to the school. Interviews are integrated where students express their different visions of the future regarding school transportation.


Group 3 (Advanced)

Ojopelao´s Kids & Teens Award Plus!

Entrepreneurship based on digital art, whether utilizing artificial intelligence or not. The community supports the participants’ initiatives, highlighting them.


Let´s change course!

Short film that helps raise awareness about the transformation of habits, encouraging the community to acquire skills that transform them and make them more resilient.


Integrative digital media

The school creates a display mechanism for the digital art of the participants, integrating it into the short film and other experiences of the Continental Rally in line with its school project. An opportunity to stand out at the continental level.


Country Challenge

This challenge is designed to address the specific challenges of each partner country in terms of sustainable development and disaster risk management. Schools must work together to design and implement innovative solutions to address the country’s key theme.


Launch date

The Rally will be launched on August 16, 2024.


End date

The end date of the Rally is November 22, 2024.